IOS App Development
Redprism came a long way intending to ‘Transform the Career and Lives’ of the individuals in the competitive world and up skilling their career, and creating a balance between the learning and implementing the real-time cases in education and achieve the dreams.

IOS App Development
What is IOS App Development?
The iOS app development is done for the iPhone, iPad which are built by a popular Smartphone development company called Apple. With the growing mobile app market, the popularity of iOS apps is undeniable.
Why IOS App Development?
As the current world trends towards the latest technologies, Mobile Application development has become popular in IT industry. iOS is one of the newly emerging technologies, introduced by Apple Inc. It presently powers many mobile devices such as ipad, iphone and so on. Currently, it is ruling the mobile market in many countries and fulfills all requirements of the end users by its real-time applications and low time & money consuming factors such as ubiquitous (anywhere – anytime) access, ease-to-use, security, social networking, etc. Due to these highlights, count of the iOS users is gradually growing up. It has conquered its own place in current IT environment.
Who can do this training?
ü Professionals from Analysts background.
ü Software Developers
ü Web Developers
ü Fresher’s / Professionals from any field
ü Graduates looking for a career in Android.
IOS App Development Advantages:-
ü Enhanced security.
ü Dynamic brand value.
ü Filtered audience.
ü Secured transactions.
ü Enhanced customer experience.
ü Better ROI.
Exclusive Key Factors of Redprism
Redprism is a best training center for IPhone Apps given corporate trainings to different reputed companies. In IPhone Apps training all sessions are teaching with examples and with real time scenarios. We are helping in real time how approach job market, Resume preparation, Interview point of preparation, how to solve problem in projects in job environment, information about job market etc. Redprism provides IPhone Apps classroom Training in Noida and online from anywhere. We provide all recordings for classes, materials, sample resumes, and other important stuff. IPhone Apps Online Training We provide IPhone Apps online training through worldwide like India, USA, Japan, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Sweden, South Africa, and etc. linux admin online training Corporate Training Redprism providing corporate training worldwide depending on Company requirements with well experience real time experts.
Prime Features why to Join Red Prism?:-
· Industry Expert Trainers with 10-15 years of experience.
· Course content is curated by best Subject Matter Experts.
· Practical Assignments.
· Real Time Projects.
· Video recording of each and every session.
· Yours doubts are clarified with 24*7 assistance by our experts.
· We conduct regular Mock tests and certifications at the end of course.
· Certification Guidance.
· Recognized training complete certificate.
· 100% Placement Assistance.
· Less fees as compared to other institutes.
· Flexi payment options
· Scholarship Available
Course Content:-
- What is iOS?
- iOS Architecture
- Application life cycle
- Mac Operating System
- Xcode 9.x IDE
- OOP's and POP Concepts
- Data Type and Variables and Constant
- Data type Modifiers ,Operators and Expression
- Control Flow and Conditional Statement
- Methods
- Classes
- Foundation Framework and Initialization
- Selectors
- Properties and Synthesis
- Category and Extension
- Protocols
- Pre Processors ,Enum and Struct
- Blocks
- Exception and Error Handling
- Memory Management (MRR and ARC)
- Swift Standard Library Intro and Basic Operators
- Int , Float ,Double , Characters and Strings
- Data Collection - Array , Dictionary and Set
- Control Flow and Conditional Statements
- Functions
- Enumeration, Struct and Classes
- Properties and Methods
- SubScripting
- Inheritance , Initialization and DeInit
- Protocols
- Extensions
- Optional Chaining
- Closures
- Type Casting And Nested Types
- Access Control
- Error Handling
- Memory Management - ARC
- Bridge Headers – using Swift in Obj C project and Vice Versa
- iOS App Technology Stack
- Introduction to types of Mobile Applications
- iPhone / iPad (Universal configuration)
- Application Life Cycle
- View Life Cycle and HandOver
- Programmetical
- Xib/Nib
- Storyboards--(Scene & Segue)
- UIViews and UIControls — (All)
- UIGestureRecognizers
- CALayer in UIKit
- Animations and Transitions in UIKit
- MVC DesignPattern
- Singleton DesignPattern
- Target Action Design Pattern
- ObserverDesignPattern
- Delegate Design Pattern
- Container ViewControllers and NavigationController
- Tableview &TableViewController
- TabbarController
- CollectionViewController
- UIImagePickerController
- Search and Alert Controller
- PopOver and UIPopoverPresentationController
- UIActivityViewController — media sharing
- Create , Modify ,Update and Move files within App
- Creation of PDFs, and Storing in the App
- Download and Uploading Media from Server
- Transfer Files between Apps & Gallery
- User Default
- Property List - plist
- Sqlite — sqlite3 dy/lib
- CoreData F/w
- Intro to Client and Server Communication - WSDL, HTTP etc.
- Data modeling for Client Side
- REST Architecture and Restful APIs
- Thread
- Operation & OperationQueue
- GCD F/w — Dispatch_queues
- CallBack Handling
- Contacts F/w
- Photos Library F/w
- Maps — Map Kit (Apple)
- Google Maps F/w
- AVFoundation F/w
- Social F/w
- Google +
- URLs , URIs and URLRequest
- URLSession
- MultiTasking with URLSessionTasks
- AFNetworking F/w
- UserNotifications: Push -Local Notifications
- Messaging
- Localization and Internationalization
- Touches ,Gestures& Animations
- Camera Handling
- Audio and Video Integration
- App Extensions
- AirDrop
- Cocoa pods
- CALayer
- Firebase (Google - BackEnd service)
- AutoLayout — Tooling and Coding
- StackViews — Tooling and Coding
- Instrument
- XCTest
- Overview of the Process
- Deploying to a device
- Create a distribution file – IPA
- App Store preparation
- Submission Process